Busy Phillips is a Monster Lingerie Model of the Day

The idea of lingerie model has been so diluted thanks to the social media and pop culture media machine…it’s become fucking distorted….

It’s like anyone with a vagina, or what they perceive to be a vagina, even if it’s a fucking dick and balls, but that they consider a vagina, because you can’t tell them what gender they are, not even science or biology can tell them, they are woman hear them fucking roar…all while being a dude..culturally appropriating women who have flipped that “No Boys Allowed” sign on their club around to “No Boys Allowed Unless they Call Themselves Girls….makes sense..

But what ends up happening is that people who have no business being in underwear, except for the practical purpose of being in underwear, you know STRICTLY functional reasons…end up posting up pics in underwear.

This shoot of Busy Phillips, who may be a man, in lingerie for a brand, who may be paying her…should have NEVER been a thing…yet it is a thing..

AM I the only one with fucking EYES here….I realize men will fuck anything, I’m a man…occasionally and I know how that works…but never would I want anything I’d be willing to fuck in lingerie as marketing material…I mean sure, a bucket of rotten meat I got from the butcher and that I put in ziploc bags wouldn’t translate to sales for a brand…but YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN…

She’s 40 years old and has a head of a fucking retard….all big and bulky and mom…like I fucking gagging here…make it fucking stop…

I’ll just assume her family invented the Phillips Screwdriver head and that’s why we’re being abused by this…rich people…so entitled…

If there are Busy fetishists out there…you’ll all fucking nuts.

Busy Phillips is a Monster Lingerie Model of the Day July 31st, 2018