Rita Ora Face Tuned Tits of the Day

Yo’ Rita Ora’s face is the baddest TING…that’s hip hop urban speak that RITA Ora understands as she manipulates the black people in the music industry with some UK Caribbean twang…to help convince them that she’s the next Rihanna…something she’s been aspiring to be for a long time…since Rihanna basically found her, got her signed to her label and realized bitch was stepping on some toes…

Baddest ting, when said by white people, which happens is hilarious to me…but it usually means the girl is hot…and that dude spends too much time listening to rap music targeted to white people to realize it’s not right to speak like that…no matter how many black friends they may have at the barber shop they go do…

When I reference Rita Ora’s face being the baddest ting, I mean it’s just bad…because I guess she’s found facetune and fucking violated the shit like she was filming her first sex tape all those years ago when she was first starting out.

She does have great tits though, and no one can take that away from her…except cancer.


Rita Ora Face Tuned Tits of the Day August 3rd, 2018