Kendall Jenner in a Bikini of the Day

I am going to assume that zero percent of you give a fuck about whether Kendall Jenner is in a bikini or not, because she’s a Jenner and if you’re gonna check out any Jenner in a Bikini, it might as well be Bruce, because at least there’s some substance, or something interesting about him…you know some severe mental disorder that came after a very lucrative career as a track star…a sport people literally don’t give a fuck about yet e was seen as a hero…only to CHOP OFF HIS FUCKING dick and live his life walking around pretending to be a woman….


His daughter, in a bikini, just some rich and entitled, not broken enough for someone who’s dad cut off his dick….is not nearly as interesting. The silver spoon fed reality star turned high fashion clickbait garbage…is boring…uneventful…and has zero to offer…sure she still gets paid…but that doesn’t mean she’s good.

I mean…maybe this is Bruce Jenner…who fucking knows with all their bullshit face injections…

Speaking of Trannies….I was in Starbucks and I couldn’t figure out if the Starbucks employee was male to female tranny, or female to male tranny, so I just stared into her eyes as hard as I could….to see if her 5 foot 1 frame broke down…and if she gave off girl energy or boy trying to be a girl energy….you know to see if she breaks like a woman or like a little twink…I have a right to know what is giving me an erection….

But the answer my friend, is blowing in the wind, just look at her legs, if it’s sparse leg hair, it’s a chick trying to grow it in, where as if it was a dude going female…it’d be shaven always look at the legs…


Kendall Jenner in a Bikini of the Day August 13th, 2018