Kelly Rohrbach Ass in Shorts of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach is pretty uneventful, but Leo DiCaprio has had sex with her, possibly anal sex with her, or maybe other specialized freakish sex with her, because he’s rich and famous and has all the pussy he wants, that he likely does weird shit to the girls he makes his girlfriend, and he likely needs weird things done to him to get off…

I mean kids these days, with all their porn watching, are all fucked up perverts just from watching porn, I can’t imagine what kind of weirdness Leo is from being Leo and living the Leo life…

I just know that her ass isn’t that great and if I was Leo, this would have never been my public girlfriend, but I guess he fucks dudes and has different standards than I imagine I would have if I was an A-List celebrity.

She’s in short shorts walking around lost now that Leo has moved on and she’s got nothing really going for her besides a rich family…and that’s about all there is to do with that…

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Kelly Rohrbach Ass in Shorts of the Day August 16th, 2018