Sophie Simmons Titty Flash of the Day

Sophie Simmons is being a fat titty flasher – without pulling out her tits – which makes me think she’s letting us all down – because if we’re going to follow a fat girl on instagram trying to be an instagrammer even though her dad is Gene Simmons and rich as fuck – she might as well try to stay current and pull out her actual tits like the other girls of instagram who also have rich and famous parents…it’s a trend she likely missed out on…since she’s old…

For a while, Sophie Simmons, who is not hot, unless you’re a KISS fan and get off to GENE and anything his semen produces, you know the kind of KISS collector who has the lunch boxes, the action figures and all the other merch that has made this one the daughter of a billionaire…heir to a billion dollars…that allows her to pretty much slack the fuck off through life….was trying to be an instagrammer….

I guess she’s back at it.

Sophie Simmons Titty Flash of the Day August 16th, 2018