Gwen Stefani Pussy Flash of the Day

Gwen Stefani wants the world to know that she doesn’t have a dick, despite popular belief back when she was in No Doubt and was built like a tank.

This is probably Blake Shelton’s initiative because he doesn’t want people thinking that he’s a fucking queer, on some Broke Back Mountain shit, and that he’s more the kind of guy who pulls queers behind his truck after chaining them to it…It’s a Southern thing, I’ve seen Boys Don’t Cry, I get it.

I don’t know if you can actually see her 45 year old mom puss, but it’d be a magical thing if you could, seeing as you never have before, and what better way to celebrate her transition…

Don’t Speak….I know what you’re thinking….shut the fuck up.


Gwen Stefani Pussy Flash of the Day August 21st, 2018