Halsey Bra of the Day

Here’s a friendly reminder that Halsey identifies as being black…

And despite being white as fuck, her dad was black, and thus she is black, and with that understands the struggles of black people, having to put on white voices during phone job interviews, and having to really go above and beyond any white person to get to the level they strive to be….

So living her life in “White Face”….undetectably black and thus unable to really identify as black – whether she is black or not…she’s an egotistical piece of garbage that likes to draw attention to herself and likes to “exists” or “milk” the level of celebrity she has from being the vocals on some EDM track….so she wants the world to know her entitled struggles…

She’s in bra, she looks white to me, and anytime she cries about the indignities towards black people she experiences first hand…like how hotel shampoo doesn’t work with her african american hair type…yet it is labeled “for all hair types”…in the dumbest plight or struggle any black person has had to deal with…some first world fucking problems….I’ll remember she’s just a DJ whore who sucked the right dick and you can be any color, race, cree, ethnicity, country of origin for that.

Here is her upskirt


Halsey Bra of the Day August 27th, 2018