Leann Rimes Bad Bikini Body of the Day

This is titled Leann Rimes bad bikini body, in that any close to 40 bikini body is bad, but I guess I could argue, that by bad I mean good, like a hip hopper, who is confused by the definition of words because the American schooling system is bad for the people who become rappers, and white people from suburban homes pick up on their Ebonics, and give old words new meanings..

You know, because you’d hate for me, a man, to be judging LeAnn Rime’s body, like this is a beauty pageant, where I have the right to have an opinion on a women who feels like she has a right to put her half naked body on the internet….

It’d be so misogynistic, you know in this world of toxic masculinity, where men who are sore losers go and kill at videogame events, where grown men are still playing videogames, like it’s a thing that isn’t designed for 12 year olds…like they don’t have fucking jobs…like they aren’t distracted by all the porn out there…

When really, her body isn’t that bad, it’s her face and head that’s the fucking problem…fucking home wrecking trash, who will always have fans thanks to country music and their love of JESUS.


Leann Rimes Bad Bikini Body of the Day August 27th, 2018