Margot Robbie Tits for Chanel of the Day

It’s interesting, I mean barely interesting, that some slutty girl from Australia manages to take over Hollywood, all for being the set of tits in Wolf of Wall Street…..some deal with the devil role that has got her cast in tons of fucking movies, paid huge amounts of money, and even getting at least one Oscar nomination….all while just being some slutty girl from Australia.

It makes no fucking sense to me, but I guess she gets to sit at the “right” table….and now is an “A Lister”….because agents and producers need “A Listers” that they can use to get bigger payouts for everyone by commanding stupid prices…and she’s just a pawn in their system.

This is her for Chanel..getting paid so much fucking money to post up some cleavage that the nerds who buy into the Margot Robbie lie celebrate….and jerk off to….

I am sure this was a 250,000 dollar post as part of a 3-5 million dollar deal…and here we are reposting it like it is news…I hate the way the media manipulates us like this with their fake news and unimportant shit…that all stems from tits…that’s all this is about…tits.

Margot Robbie Tits for Chanel of the Day August 29th, 2018