Ashley Graham Big Fat Ass in Lingerie of the Day

Ashley Graham repulses me.

She may not be that fat compared to real fucking fat chicks that are out there, I mean we are living amongst some of the fattest people in the history of humanity, and there are so many of them, it’s not just one fat person here and there, it’s fat people everywhere. I know because I am one, I am married to one, and I see it all around me…from Low Income to Rich people…obesity is almost the fucking norm…

But that doesn’t mean we as a people or a society need to accept that, we don’t need to make the chairs on planes bigger to accommodate that, we don’t need to say “healthy weight is now at this level” and that pants should be made in size 40 or more, cuz people out there are that sized…

If anything we should be saying “NO, wear a fucking bed sheet, you’re not allowed to be this big, it’s a strain on society”….

She is pretty fucking fat though, especially in terms of modeling and she represents something that should never have happened, besides in porn fetish world, and that is that she’s allowed to pretend and act like a hot fit model, and get paid like a hot fit model, because we’re in this world where fat chicks are needed to sell shit to other fat chicks to be relatable to them….cuz companies want to get money….

I believe, we should not be doing this, it’s bad to create this as an ideal to be…the fat chicks should not be allowed at the photoshoots, or modeling, or pretending they are skinny living that skinny life…they should be sent to fat camp, or diabetes ward at the hospital to get their feet amputated…

Not out there posting panty pics…

Fucking crazy people allowed this to happen…seriously…


Ashley Graham Big Fat Ass in Lingerie of the Day August 30th, 2018