Dua Lipa Tits in a Candy Bra of the Day

Dua Lipa may have the dumbest name in show business, but she’s a do it yourself kind of youtuber with a billion views, that has had the power of social media create her celebrity, and thus her career as a touring musician….something that I would assume would have never happened without youtube….because with youtube all you have to do is post up your demo of a cover song, tag it properly, and have the people find you, follow you, and soon enough the execs looking for talent will say “she’s got a lot of views, people must like her, let’s sign her”….

Long gone are the days of recording a demo, going door to door in LA or NYC where you physically had to be there hustling to get heard….

Creating for a very lazy group of people, which is a good thing, cuz with laziness comes lazy marketing, and lazy marketing when it comes to women means getting naked or half naked…it’s easier than doing something smart, clever or good and gets more views and likes…and motherfuckers it’s all about the likes.

Dua Lipa Tits in a Candy Bra of the Day August 30th, 2018