I find Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner in their bikini models of instagram – share for share – trying to stay relevant because the people care about the people they are told to care about and the people they are told to care about are the people who have the most money to spend on marketing – or who are able to leverage their existence from being reality stars after their sister got a TV deal for doing a porno…
Reminding us how crazy pop culture, media, cashing the fuck in actually is….It’s just a whole lot of mooches from every angle, but the funny thing is that brands throw money to work with these mooches…money they don’t even need because they are rich…and I blame all you consumers of their content…the people buying into this…find a better fucking hobby…make them more desperate and eager and shameless because they have it in them…
Garbage really…but in bikini for you to jerk off to – since average at best rich kids are a fetish…even when they are rat faced like these two face injected trolls.
Fuck em all.
And here’s some paparazzi pics of her green asshole