Hilaria Baldwin is Alec Baldwin’s whore wife…who he met doing Yoga before buying her and knocking her up…making her his personal Yoga instructor in their penthouse apartment…which I am sure was a really hard sell…that she likely pretends was some spiritual connection…but we know bitch…you fucked the wallet with your flexible yoga pussy…and the wallet got addicted and now you have a family..
Which is good news for him, after seeing Ireland the disaster, not quite the famine revisited but just as devastating….it’s good to have second shot at things…she’s kind of a throwaway daughter, the test run, sample run, that you used as a reference point to not repeat the same mistakes with the kids you actual love and appreciate more and who don’t embarraass you…
All while your wife and baby momma humps the fucking air in panties….showing some of the yoga pussy moves that griped the celebrity wallet and just kept thrusting…you know doing kegels on his dick like getting a handjob from 30 pairs of mini hands…the way a pussy is meant to perform..none of that hotdog down the hallway shit you’d expect from all these instagram whores out there.