Staring at Natalie Portman’s Chest of the Day

Noting says I want to fuck your tits, like a nice bony sternum….the kind you find on those Anorexic porn fetish sites I used to be addicted to back when my wife first hit 300 pounds and I needed the extreme opposite of her disgusting ass.

This Mossad agent, out there spying on the people of Canada, 10 DAYS ago at some event in Canada…reminding me that I am really up to speed on the whereabouts of Natalie Portman….you know 10 days behind her…I may catch up with her one day…but she’s just too fast and sneaky…you know spy tactics.

She is the woman from your Star Wars dreams, who I think that even when old and a mom is worth starting at her tits, because despite having a nerd fan base from being in Star Wars, something that would normally make me hate her, coupled with her being a cunty celebrity that has had at least one kid, she’s still hot. The beacon of hope to Jewish People Everywhere…that they won’t end up with a troll looking inbred bitch who thinks she’s hot cuz she’s spoiled by her rich parents, but one of the good ones.

She’s one of the good ones.

I mean unless you like that Judge Kavanaugh, in which case you may hate her:

Here are those pics…


Staring at Natalie Portman’s Chest of the Day September 20th, 2018