Lily Collins Spreads Her Legs for Fashion of the Day

I am a fan of Lily Collins…not because her dad is Phil Collins, but it does increase her stock price a little bit, knowing she’s got all kinds of daddy issues and mental problems as all that shit is relative and all that shit is specific to the person’s life, so the person who has everything and has always had everything, will not know they have everything, and really money or a famous dad doesn’t make for a better life to begin with, but it does buy nice things if you’re the dude who is smart enough to K-FED her..

I am a fan of Lily Collins…not because of her acting career that stems from being Phil Collin’s daughter, you know that dude’s got connections…

I am a fan of Lily Collins…because she’s skinny and I guess showing her dick in this photoshoot.

GO! Dick! Flashes!


Lily Collins Spreads Her Legs for Fashion of the Day September 28th, 2018