Britney Spears Slutty Salsa Dance of the Day

There is nothing better than watching a slutty Britney Spears pushing 40 doing a slutty Salsa dance like a recently divorced 40 year old who doesn’t know what to do with herself on weekends now that she doesn’t have a husband to build her life around….You know it could be good for her, maybe she’ll meet new people, put herself out there again…20 years too late…but never too late to learn Salsa…

Only Britney Spears, despite being 40, is still hot….maybe it’s what happens when you’re held captive by your parents and never allowed to grow up, or maybe it’s what happens when you’re focused, trained, and taken care of thanks to all your money, because very few 40 year olds look this good, or this happy while clearly medicated and crying for help, they instead look way more sad, depressing, and pathetic…I mean walk to any Salsa Class on a Friday night on a weekend the kids are with the dad and you’ll know what I mean….desperation, tears and Diabetic sweat everywhere…


Britney Spears Slutty Salsa Dance of the Day October 4th, 2018