Shannon Tweed Nipples See Through of the Day

Shannon Tweed has her tits out.

She’s married to Gene Simmons, the Playboy sex worker who let him fuck his 1000 women, if that’s even true, as long as he supported her with his billions of KISS dollars, and let her star on his Reality as his spouse, because they had kids together (one named Sophie who is a fat instagram model pushing 30) and she proved her loyalty to him….

Everyone likes some KISS memorabilia or merch…and Shannon Tweed at 61 is definitely no longer a tween…. she no longer has the estrogen to even be considered a woman…at least that’s what that hard face is telling me…but she does still have tits…

Her story, an exciting one….she is a Canadian, a Newfie, which is what we call people from Newfoundland here in Canada, it’s a derogatory word, you know the other “N” word, that is basically calling them rural half retard inbred fishermen hicks….BUT THE TRUTH IS…some very amazing people, who have done some amazing things have come out of Newfoundland….they are just their own special breed of Canadian…and have their own accent but at least they aren’t French Canadians…

Her dad was a Mink Rancher….that’s a thing, I guess someone’s gotta make the Mink Coats, who ended up on Welfare…due to a car accident that left him in a COMA…a recipe for all girls to move to LA to become Playboy Playmates if they were hot enough in the 80s….

She was one of Hefner’s girls for 14 months, so she fucked him for 14 months, back when it was ok for a boss to house these otherwise homeless babes in exchange for sex and money….something I guess she’s carried to what may be a grave because this must be a corpse..

Here is her daughter Sophie nude


Shannon Tweed Nipples See Through of the Day October 4th, 2018