Lili Reinhart Working the Mic like it is a Dick of the Day

It was New York Comicon, which you nerds probably livestreamed from your loser homes, and watched on your loser computers, that are jacked up and ready for GAMING, because LARPING is too much effort, when you can just World of Warcraft or Second Life from the comfort of your obesity mobility scooter…

Not that I know anything about nerd culture, even though it is mainstream, and nerd barely exists now that nerds have become billionaires and all hollywood movies are nerd based…..but I do know overrated sluts..

So here’s an overrated Lili Reinhart, Betty from Riverdale, the dumbest yet most popular show on TV, something you didn’t know still happened with all the streaming platforms…

She’s not hot, she’s hard faces, she looks big, but she’s working the mic like she works a dick, not very erotic, but I believe in your photoshop skills to edit this down with some photoshop to be her holding a dick…the way you want it.

That’s all I have to say about that.


Lili Reinhart Working the Mic like it is a Dick of the Day October 8th, 2018