Ariana Grande Nudity Now She’s Single of the Day

Ariana Grande got dumped….or did the dumping…or was dumped on…these rich cunts are crazy….

But not as crazy as SOCIETY….I was scrolling through social media, as I do, because the girls are so slutty on there, have you seen some of the shit they are up to, it’s fucking crazy….

While I was there, over on social media, I actually saw people posting tribute posts to ARIANA GRANDE and her boyfriend’s relationship and break-up.

I am not sure if you remember, but she was dating some SNL cast member who’s dad died in World Trade Sept 11th shit, so he tells people, the dad probably took off and saw the World Trade Sept 11th shit as a good escape “No one will know I jumped ship, they’ll just assume I am dead”….because his kid, and that face, was something worth running from.

The two idiots…ARIANA GRANDE and the SNL guy made news because he got a tattoo, they got engaged, the whole thing a silly joke…he talked about how small her pussy was, she talked about how big his dick was…he got an Ariana Grande tattoo, they got a pig…everything that could be unstable and weird Hollywood celebs with too much money happened…and I just ignored it…Mac Miller Killed himself over it…and now it’s over…what was hot and wild, was really just narcissist garbage bing Narcissitic garbage…but to celebrate ARIANA GRANDE single here she is nude looking in a tub of who fucking cares….it probably stung her pussy scabs…

What I am saying is that I remember when she licked a donut and called America and American disgusting. She should be your enemy…just as soon as you jerk off to her.


Ariana Grande Nudity Now She’s Single of the Day October 15th, 2018