Juliette Lewis Naked Goddess Bush of the Day

I am a fan of Juliette Lewis. She’s from my era of getting into the movies. From Christmas Vacation, to Cape Fear, to Kalifornia, to Natural Born Killers, to Edward Scissor Hands, no wait that was Winona, this one was in Gilbert Grape, to every single movie she’s ever done…Mixed Nuts, Strange Days, Basketball Diaries…fuck I am turning into IMDB…

She’s pretty much legend status…

Apparently, she’s in this new HBO show by the cunt Lena Dunham, because they keep giving their regulars work, and it’s called Camping, where people go Camping and I guess skinny dip, showing off bush, while I love bush and celebrate all bush…because bush is great and so is this 45 year old’s bush….better than Lena Dunham’s that I am surprised she didn’t write into the script even though she’s not starring in this show…she’s just writing it, you’d just assume she’d be in a bear costume in the woods outside the campground farting with her ass spread as you know she does…

But this isn’t about Lena Dunham, if anything we all need to thank her for writing this nude scene with Juliette Lewis in….we like it.


Juliette Lewis Naked Goddess Bush of the Day October 15th, 2018