Kira Ship in Some Slutty Shoot of the Day

Kira Ship seems to be a self involved instagrammer who thinks she has something important to say for herself…with her fashion and her art and her posing half naked…playing it all cool, probably using the world “FUCK” in a lot of her captions…because she doesn’t give a fuck, just do whatever the fuck you want, and wear whatever the fuck you want, because that is the voice of a generation.

Luckily, she is less lame and indulgent in that she does slutty half naked shoots, with offsets the whole talking, having an opinion, self promoting herself, saying shit we’ve all hear before…she’s just not that original…

She’s lookin’ good…follow her on CLICK HERE and masturbate to her unsolicited, she’ll never know…and she’s giving you so much to masturbate to!


Kira Ship in Some Slutty Shoot of the Day October 15th, 2018