Everyday is Halloween for Lea Michele, because like Bruce Jenner, who cut off his own DICK for the cause or for his mental health issue, that made him think he was a woman, almost as crazy as people in prison who had mental health issues tell them to do bad things and they assumed it was the devil speaking, only the world doesn’t call it mental health issues for whatever reason….Lea Michele, based on her face was born a man.
I always find it funny when I see celebrities, people who are on TV, who perform and who other people are fans of, who act like they are hot, cuz they are rich and famous, all while looking like this. You’d assume she’d be more of a behind the scenes, work in an office or something…but instead she’s on TV…which is insane because if I was doing a casting call, after pulling out my dick and asking for a blowjob I’d be like “you sure you don’t still have a dick right?”….you know how casting calls go…always ask about the dick after your dick is in the mouth…it’s less queer when you’re in too deep than knowing about it in advance…
What I am trying to say is this bitch is too ugly to be famous…but she’s got hard nipples..I guess the hormone therapy’s working…