Rita Ora Pussy Print of the Day

Rita Ora performed somewhere, who the fuck cares where she performed, this bitch will perform anywhere anyone asks her to perform, because despite probably being a diva cunt who thinks she’s very fucking important because she’s famous and has a song with the kids from One Direction that went viral and got her on the Charts in America after years of working towards that goal…using her vagina and attending any and all events she could just to be talked about….all while no one really knowing who she is…teaching us a valuable lesson that she who makes the most noise is the one people will eventually be the one people think matters because they are too self involved to really bother looking into her lies…

Well, she’s performing in her lingerie and has great tits, so I’ll take it…even if it’s on some stripper level shit…she’s getting paid so an idol to girls everywhere that they too can be famous thanks to their tits…if they really put some effort into it cuz tits get hits..people fucking love tits.


Rita Ora Pussy Print of the Day November 12th, 2018