I unfollowed Kimberley Garner on social media the other day, I was like “Why do I bother fucking with this trash” who literally doesn’t fuck with me….she actually followed me on twitter, only to unfollow me…yet here I am on her instagram giving her my fucking co-sign, when she doesn’t do anything interesting, cool, fun…or even get naked…
She’s just some cunt, entitled, thinks she’s important because she was on a reality show…pretty much the lowest on the totem pole of anything…
So as part of my social media cleanse, which is really nothing I need or do, because I don’t spend my days scrolling instagram, people bore me…even when they are naked….so it was more of my fuck Kim Garner she’s useless…I smashed that UNFOLLOW button bro…
But apparently I post pics of her solid trying to make it in AMerica body in a bikini to this website…and write posts about it….making my unfollow seem insincere…BUT LET ME TELL YOU PEOPLE….it was sincere.