Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Big Bikini of the Day

If you’re into Iskra Lawrence, you’re either a black dude or a skinny white guy with a feeder fetish, who relies heavy on watching a bitch eat and eat and eat her way into diabetes…because you know she’ll be too fat to run from you and too fat to ever leave you….because you’re an insecure fuck and you’re not dialed into the reality that these fat chicks, who aren’t too lazy to get off the couch, who aren’t crippled by diabetes amputations on on Oxygen due to their heart disease..but rather the motivated kind of fat chick…which I guess exists…the loud and energized fat chick who gives as much to being noticed as to the all you can eat buffet….or to cake…

I have a theory on Iskra Lawrence that she is she’s a fake, a hack, a lie, bullshit…she is a CULTURALLY APPROPRIATING FAT CHICKS by taking their fat chick glory.

I think she’s a model who wanted to be a model who couldn’t get work as a model…so she saw fat chicks celebrated and decided that she can be lazy and eat, it’s easier than trying to stay skinny, so she owned it….She crafted a clickbait viral video of her on the subway in her underwear, talking about being a fat bitch and loving her body…a perfectly executed viral video…that has allowed her to exist, only she has to keep her fatness alive…

She post enthusiastically about eating carbs and I know that no fat chick, even one paid 1,000,000 dollars would be that pumped on eating, they hide that shit from the public…proving that this bitch found an angle and it’s hilarious.

This is an imposter skinny bitch moving in on their fat lazy and sick turf…and here is some of her fat tits that come with being a fat chick.


Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Big Bikini of the Day November 27th, 2018