Scout Willis Bikini of the Day

When on the topic of the American Dream, something I think about all the time when dealing with social media posts of Americans whining about how their system should work, or what they think is important, or trying to force people to have the same beliefs, morals and values as they have, instead of just leaving everyone the fuck alone and letting things unfold the way they were elected by the people to unfold, creating some media hype about nothing, everyone just clickbaiting for profit, saying crazier and crazier things for views, whether it is SLATE shitting on George HW Bush’s service dog “Not mourning his death” because the fucking dog writing from New Hamsphire has the inside scoop on dog Pyschology, or whatever other nonsense you’ve been exposed to, to fucking deteriorate your quality of life….an attack on the people from within….

I think it’s important to see what America is really about…and I think Scout Willis is a prime example of it…just living her best life on her rich as fuck parent’s credit card because she can…why work, or do anything really, cuz mom and dad both got rich as fuck together, and stepDAD Ashton Kutcher is a fucking dot com billionaire thanks to it being easy to be a dot com billionaire when being Ashton Kutcher with all his acting money looking for a place to put that acting money at the pivotal moment in internet’s history….

You know allowing this one to coast real easy tits out like she should…

That is the America I think matters…..I mean Bruce and Demi…fucking legends bro.


Scout Willis Bikini of the Day December 4th, 2018