Julianne Hough is a Bad Mormon Mermaid of the Day

Do Mormon’s even believe in Mermaids, or do they just believe in all night cocaine parties featuring getting fucked up the ass by Ryan Seacrest….because you know that is what this girl did on her quest to become famous as a dancer…famous for dancing is a crazy fucking concept but apparently America likes dance, or the half retards on disability who sit at home in their trailer parks watching cable do….Dancing With the Stars was a hit show people…..

I read somewhere she was sexually assaulted while learning to dance as a child, making her turn her back on the Church, or XENU or whoever Mormons worship….while being trained to be a stripper who can’t strip because of Mormonism…

But look at her now, half naked on the internet like she was destined to be….John Smith would be proud…

Julianne Hough is a Bad Mormon Mermaid of the Day December 19th, 2018