Sofia Richie Pussy Print of the Day

I guess Sofia Richie felt it was important to jack her flesh colored bikini, yes I know it’s yellow and she’s not Asian, but when you mix blood and get these people addicted to spray tans, everyone is in black face…even the part black people….like this one…

Thanks to the light bikini color you can see her uterus, you know full Pussy definition, the same Pussy she uses to fuck the Kardashian baby daddy who gives her some relevance of her own….rather than living in her dads shadow even if she uses her dads money.

It’s Christmas and Christmas is for family even when your family is garbage money grubbing pigs who have ruined society with their muppet faces..

But check out that pussy definition.

Here she is with her boyfriends baby mother Kourntey Kardashian


Sofia Richie Pussy Print of the Day December 25th, 2018