Iggy Azalea Slutty as Her Dancer Dies in the Background of the Day

I don’t give a fuck about Iggy Azalea. I don’t find her interesting, compelling, hot….I find her career a lie, a joke, a scam really….flimsy at best. She saw an opportunity and ran with it and that opportunity involved getting a jacked up face and ass injections after sucking all the fat out of her stomach to give her a more hourglass body…forgetting that she’s middle class white suburban from Australia…and speaking with a fake ghetto drawl like she’s some hood bitch…it’s comedy…but not as comedic as her continuing to dance, shaking that fat ass, while her back-up dancer died on stage next to her….

There’s a fetish in this for sure.


Iggy Azalea Slutty as Her Dancer Dies in the Background of the Day December 31st, 2018