Lily Rose Depp Hard Nipples of the Day

Lily Rose Depp, the sperm that Johnny Depp left in that bitch from France before he left the family for that prostitute opportunist Amber Heard…..has grown into a magical hipster creature with houses all over the world….so she can get to Europe, back to LA, stop off at the island in the Bahamas….living that fashion life, high end glamour life, playing it down by being cool scenester who hangs with local artists to seem legit, making that money on the social media or as an actor because people care about her thanks to her dad..paparazzi pay attention to these types of things….especially when they are walking around nipples out..

I doubt she’d be of interest to anyone, because she’s like everyone else, if she wasn’t Johnny Depp’s daughter, but that’s not her storyline, her reality, her narrative….she doesn’t need to deal wit that level of bullshit….life is good being a Depp, unless you’re Johnny Depp, and I’m sure this one still complains about everything because she doesn’t know any better and when you look like this, it’s tolerable…even cute….

I guess I’m saying, I’m a fan of Lily Rose Depp and would ask her for an autograph if I ever met her…across my chest…like I once did to a Canadian Speed skater in a bar when drunk…which I don’t think he found funny….and that I guess was kinda queer of me…..but at least when I do it with Lily Rose Depp…it’ll be less queer and that is what matters….


Lily Rose Depp Hard Nipples of the Day January 28th, 2019