Avril Lavigne Comeback Erotica of the Day

Avril Lavigne, the Queen of Canada. So important that she should be on our money here. Even though she moved to Cali to live that Skater Boy life back in the 90s when she got famous….is coming out with a new Album that is sure to SUCK tomorrow….

I call it 10 years too late, but I guess she’s felt inspired or wants to make some money while money is still available to be made..even if she’s been lazy the lat 10 years…

I wonder if she’s still going to be the 30 something dressed like a teen from the Ohio Hot Topic…you know cheesy and commercial version of streetwear….silly really…

Based on this LOLITA album cover…sucking a loli…like she’s not 45….stealing her kids candy on Halloween and making some selfie porn with it for her internet boyfriend she met on Facebook…you know that she reconnected with from High School…

But I bet some of you assholes find it hot…

If only I wasn’t so desensitized from all the sex workers and self produced porno out there…I’d be able to feel something looking at this…something other than “this Avril bitch is reaching hard”….

Avril Lavigne Comeback Erotica of the Day February 14th, 2019