Dioni Tabbers and Charlie Dupont Dyke it Down of the Day

Dioni Tabbers Charlie Dupont Lesbian Lingerie 2

I am a fan of Dioni Tabbers. She’s a little fucking old now…not that I know all that much about her, other than the fact that she doesn’t really have much of a following, considering she’s been getting naked for photoshoots for at least 7 years…and is apparently still getting naked…or half naked…for high fashion or whatever this gutter smut is….with some bitch named Charlie Dupont…

She’s a Dutch Girl gone bad…who has been doing this for a long fucking time…I know I said that already…but I am amazed she only has 45,000 followers…

There are bitches far less hot or naked with way fucking more action…proving that talent doesn’t get you places…digital marketing does…

I assume that as a hot girl, she doesn’t have to work, she has enough options to live that good life and not work, and maybe followers don’t matter when you have credibility and confidence in yourself as a hot chick willing to get naked…or half naked…

Her tits are large and that’s all that really matters..the world…her fucking oyster based on that fact alone…and luckily we get to be taken on that ride with her….even if her audience is limited number of perverts…when she deserves the millions…it’s like our own exclusive corner to jack off to….and that’s a nice, cottage-like, place to be….



Dioni Tabbers and Charlie Dupont Dyke it Down of the Day February 25th, 2019