Irina Shayk Erotica of the Day

Irina Shayk, who’s actual name by the way is Irina Valeryevna Shaykhlislamova posed for some photoshoot shaking her ass…

Dressed like a Motorcycle you’d premature ejaculate if you ever had a chance to ride…which isn’t saying much…you premature ejaculate when you put your underwear on…it’s just too much for you to take…the sensation…over the top…in an era where you read people reference over the pants handjobs…knowing you’ve never had one and if you did…you’d probably bust like a 13 year old being molested by his hot 27 year old married teacher…

Point being, she’s married to Brad Cooper, a horrible human,…and horrible singer…who is manipulating hollywood with his junky fucking movie and fake Lady Gaga relationship, and that alone is enough reason to praise this hot Russian, who is really just there for a paycheck and who probably barely deals with the guy, who is rumored to be a total fucking Actor…which means a total fucking baby, bitch, whining, queer, girl…which would explain why he likes GAGA….Irina Shayk for Show…the beard…Gaga to really fag the fuck out on….cuz there’s no way Gaga isn’t a Drag Queen she’s ripped off all these years…

Russian..No Soul…hard working for for the money..there for the money….willing to do whatever it takes for the money….now set for life with that child support check…and still able to bring her ass out…NOT bad hustle…she’s good…even great. I am a fan.


Irina Shayk Erotica of the Day March 7th, 2019