Bella Thorne Bondage Erotica of the Day

Bella Thorne Tied Up for CR Fashion Book

Bella Thorne in some Elizabeth Smart inspired kidnapping photoshoot for CR Fashion Book

She is clickbaiting, showing the world how edgy and wild she is, because she is channeling the pornos she watches with her queer boyfriend…cuz you know EVERYONE, except maybe me, watch porn all the fucking time…

It’s TRUMP content, whiners about social justice, PORN content and selfies…that is what makes up this internet world these days…

So this pervert knows exactly what people jack off to, what people find funny, she’s a Disney Trained puppet…and this is how you get views….tap into the mainstream…

Miley did it before her…give the people sex content, mainstream porn content and prosper.

Days of being wholesome or reserved is gone, because even spread vaginas barely get noticed….but the spread vaginas keep coming through cuz girls are basic and hope they will be the next or last vagina noticed.


Bella Thorne Bondage Erotica of the Day March 8th, 2019