Rachel Cook Naked of the Day

If this isn’t Rachel Leigh Cook, the 39 year old actress from 90s teen bullshit, who was really fucking famous for at least one year, but rather some bitch trying to scam Rachel Leigh Cook’s celebrity, and ride her celebrity fame, you know taking what Rachel Leigh Cook started and taking it to naked on the internet….than Rachel Leigh Cook has failed us all..

Speaking of failures…I am a failure, and understand failure, and as days go on, I am more and more of a failure….I missed my boat, because my era of potential opportunity, was the Girl Gone Wild years, and I was too busy drinking myself to death, but surviving…instead of starting a website with whores…you know treating sluts like sluts and getting real rich off it….without actually doing porn because I don’t feel comfortable working in porn…but giving the people what they want…now, if Girls Gone Wild was to be recreated, it would be cast and directed by women of color, featuring fat chicks with any and all mutations…and people like me are just thrown under the bus and forgotten because there’s no room for us…


I guess Rachel Leigh Cook and I have something in common…left in the 90s.


Rachel Cook Naked of the Day March 15th, 2019