Heidi Klum Eugenics Booty of the Day

Heidi Klum with the eugenics booty…

She may be 300 years old, but she’s managed to maintain pretty well….I wonder if she’s a vampire….I mean the Hilter Eugenics program that was actually based on American research, something Hitler borrowed, thinking he could breed the perfect aryan person, eliminating ugly people by sterilizing them, kind of like a dog breeder with humans….makes more sense than vampire….

But it feels like Heidi Klum has been famous for being a hot/half naked slut for the majority of my life…I feel like she’s been in the magazines, catalogs, getting jerked off too since I was 15, and I’m almost 50….

So Vampire…deal with the devil to maintain her looks it is…But I guess it could also just be botox, diet and exercise….but where’s the fun in her vanity controlling her life so that she works with German engineering level of effectiveness to maintain it…only to produce pics of her being all casual and shit about it…while 25 year old woman look at that should be rotting, and not just because Seal Killed it like people kill Seals in the Arctic…with a BIG fucking bat…but because of her Birth Year….and think..to themselves (the 25 year old women not the dead seals)….my ass doesn’t even look that firm and I’m not in my 70s….what the fuck…

I guess what I am saying is the feminists should kill off Heidi Klum for giving them unrealistic body image issues cuz they don’t look like this…and the media…the patriarchy is trying to create big business around their feeling inadequate for not looking like this…while the only one posting this shit up is Heidi Klum…it’s just better to blame systematic patriarchalism you dumb twats.


Heidi Klum Eugenics Booty of the Day March 21st, 2019