Ireland Baldwin in a Big Girl Bathing Suit of the Day

Ireland Baldwin is a big and tall girl, she’s like 7 feet tall, 300 pounds, but she’s built proportionate…which is actually how a lot of models look in person, you know, when you’re an international playboy like myself, and you surround yourself with actual models, you know how big and broad they are, despite being skinny, as you go up to their nipples and they seem like they can man-handle you, which is why I always thought the skinny model thing being protested weird…it’s like these people never saw how big these women actually were…they just photograph skinny, but put them next to an average sized man…and see they are twice the fucking size of him….

Not that I am an international playboy, I don’t leave the house anymore cuz it is winter and I don’t have pants that fit me..

BUT I have seen models, and they are big, and so is Ireland Baldwin, who is not a model, but wanted to be a model, only to have her Jesus loving cousin take her job for her….leaving her to fend for herself on social media I can’t follow cuz I’m blocked…

This Awkward, Faux Lesbian, ogre who her dad coined a pig is just another entitled celebrity rich kid….broken…but in bathing suit…

Look she has a friend…

Here are some more of her being a MODEL in her swimsuit

Ireland Baldwin in a Big Girl Bathing Suit of the Day March 22nd, 2019