Irina Shayk Panties for Vogue of the Day

Irina Shayk Panties for Vogue

Irina Shayk proves that you take the whore out of Russian – and give her that premium A-List sperm to make babies…she still remains a whore…but one who is far more high end because she’s taken that A-List sperm to make a baby…so her panty flashes are not for perverts who throw ten dollar bills at her anymore…or in her case RUBLES at her….or rationed bread..working for the cam companies…but instead for VOGUE…and that’s pretty fancy….it’s like the smell of her pussy no longer of a gutter whore but now that of a fancy French perfume. Funny how status does that to a bitch…


Irina Shayk Panties for Vogue of the Day April 5th, 2019