Cami Romero Naked in the Kitchen of the Day

I originally saved these pics thinking they were Cami Marone, Leo DiCaprio’s hired girlfriend who makes him look straight, but that is really some weird marketing hustle because they are her mom’s friends…her mom is in the scene, some passed around actress…

Either way, it’s not Cami Marrone, but rather some other set of tits, posing in the kitchen, reminiscent of a better time when women knew their role and were happy to be housewives, something that may be slowly happening again, now that women can sell off themselves so they don’t have to work, like this Cami bitch is doing…because working fucking sucks, especially when you got a set of tits you can use to make money by not working…

Feminism. So strange. All this fighting to end up in the same place you were in 1950s Leave it to Beaver Era…just with more cocaine and sexual partners…

Cami Romero Naked in the Kitchen of the Day April 8th, 2019