Sailor Brinkley Cook Topless of the Day

Sailor Brinkley Cook is proof that a hot mom, who now looks like some sort of zombie muppet thanks to her vanity and available budget for her vanity…..does not necessarily produce hot daughters when she herself reduces herself to a sex worker….who is only there for the money…

But I have a feeling Sailor Brinkley Cook doesn’t realize she’s not cute. She’s just got money and attention from her last name and the fact that she’s going to inherit a billion dollars….all the family real estate…and she’s no fat and gets to always hang in her bikini while fucking surfer dudes in Australia…

Or maybe she realizes it doesn’t matter and you don’t need to be cute to look cute on social media…you just need to show your ass and get topless in the pose all the girls are doing cuz it’s trendy, mainstream and repetitive.

There is no artistry in shamelessness anymore, especially when you’re a lazy rich kid who doesn’t need to put in any real effort.



Sailor Brinkley Cook Topless of the Day April 9th, 2019