Chantel Jeffries Hard Nipples of the Day

Chantel Jeffries and her hard nipples sporting a “too busy” shirt, which in and of itself is obviously ironic, like when people used to wear “Getting Lucky in Kentucky” T-shirts in the early 2000s….when people thought t-shirts were the best way to express themselves and their sense of humor in public….it made for a lot of annoying people…..but the trend still exists and just last week I saw a dude wearing a shirt that said “Sorry Ladies, I’m already another like a brother to another girl”….or something equally silly…

That said, Chantel Jeffries is some instagram whore, which means she doesn’t work, doesn’t have a job, despite calling herself a DJ…and she has plenty of free time to just hang…and or turn her face into some plastic muppet looking thing…along with all the other LA girls working on their faces to be ready to fully transition into claymation figurines for Christmas….


Chantel Jeffries Hard Nipples of the Day April 11th, 2019