Ellen Page is on some comeback tour since JUNO….where she’s on a Netflix show…
These pictures are of her fully exploiting her decision or choice to lesbian..TIT ON TIT…because it is a choice…it is not scientifically possible that a woman doesn’t want to breed…their bodies tell them every month that they want to breed…it is society or other choices that make them not want to breed…The same thing applies to lesbian….cuz Lesbians often times make babies with random craigslist sperm donors and still theoretically crave the cum in them…they just prefer syringes or turrkey basters to fleshy dick…cuz maybe they experrienced trauma with an actual dick…..I don’t know, I’m not a psychiatrist..I just know that everrything in life is a choice not a genetic decision and if you were to decide today that you want to suck a dick for the kick of it…you would….homo…
ANYWAY…she’s decided that women are hotter than men, fact, and that eating pussy or having your pussy eaten by a woman is more delicate until the fists come out…and this is her making some sort of statement I don’t really understand or care to look into.
She’s a Canadian, so anytime she does any of her political bullshit…from protesting gas lines or whatever it is her entitled celebrity is inot at the moment….it bores me…I don’t need some annoying actor preaching their agenda or their politics…like stick to the fucking script….keep your down time to your damn self…
Tit on tit though, there may be an Emma Page pervert out there into this….if it’s you…you’re weird…but this is for you.