Faith Schroder Skinny Bikini of the Day

Faith Schroder, is Ricky Schroder’s daughter who has taken her dad’s barely celebrity last name, but access and LA based attitude to the instagram, where at her mother’s stage mom direction they produce whore content, cuz ultimately the woman who is getting knocked up by Ricky Schroder 18 years ago is obviously on some other level of a take what she can get fame whore who wanted to be famous, but who instead fucked her way to a life in LA…but not at the A-List….this would have been 10 or more years after he was famous on TV…either way, she has the skills and values needed to create whateveer this is, or at least have the control over her daughter’s diet so she doesn’t get fat and the contacts at the medical spa to get her face jacked up…cuz it makes for a fun project to do as a family….you know in efforts to be the next Kardashian….in a sexualizing of your kids that is fucking weird…but that you don’t mind cuz you sexualize everything…even that sandwich you ate for lunch….sick fuck.

Here is the terrifying mother who I thought was the sister with no facetune because all these teen girls really look 60 now..


Faith Schroder Skinny Bikini of the Day May 1st, 2019