Kate Mara Fucks Ellen Page Topless of the Day

Kate Mara and Ellen Page are doing some dyke shit in some movie or TV show they are obviously dykes in. Some coming of age dyke story so that the movie companies feel inclusive to all people so they can’t be criticized when dykes start to protest not having proper representation in the media…despite dykes being fucking everywhere and that whining is just typical dyke behavior…because ever dyke I’ve met has been angry…maybe cuz I have a penis, or maybe cuz they don’t get penis…but instead use penis shaped things…totally logical and further proving the series my homeless friend at the park had that dykes are just perverts, a myth, not real…but a fantasy and the women who pretend to be dykes, may really believe they are dykes, but are only there by choice…either cuz of bad relationships with men for whatever reason…or because it’s cool…or because they got ate out by a girl once and they came from it, while dudes don’t grasp how cunt work, which again just furthers the point that they are perverts…

Ellen Page an outspoken dyke, recruiting Kate Mara into experiment with being a dyke, like a high school gym teacher on her star Volleyball player….all while everyone involved in this tit on tit shit they probably inflate and think is important…when it’s just sensationalized shit for marketing…exploiting lesbians…good thing they don’t actually exist…they just think they do.


Kate Mara Fucks Ellen Page Topless of the Day May 2nd, 2019