Jennifer Aniston Topless of the Day

Jennifer Aniston is very fucking rich. She was very fucking rich when she was born. She got very fucking rich when she did Friends. She’s had a whole career after friends where she continued to get very fucking rich. I think it’s safe to say it’s time to hang up her nipple prosthetics that she’s uses to get all the money and attention all these years…like she had one of the hottest birth defects of all time…permanent hard nipples on her great tits…and just accept that she’s in her 50s and that we got other tits to look at now.

Sure the die hard Aniston fan will still jack off to this excitedly, but there comes a time you need to grow up, get with the times, or fucking retire….

There is no real need to have a topless Jennifer Aniston….but I guess in ways it is a good thing to have happen…you know to properly document her demise and dealing with aging….like a vapid attention seeking celebrity would…”what if I pull out my tits, people will get excited and still want to look, cuz my tits are awesome thanks to never having that child I wanted before menopause cuz I was too focused on my ego and not destroying my pussy that no man appreciates enough to stick with”….cuz it must be the fucking worst…even if it’s greek and greek pussy is anus.


Jennifer Aniston Topless of the Day May 6th, 2019