Padma Lakshmi Tits Out for Vogue India of the Day

Rumor has it that Padma Lakshmi is better at landing billionaire cock/sperm to fill the emptiness in her soul…than she is at cooking…

The chef in her 40s and she’s not doing what all chefs in their 40s do….kill themselves because the life in the kitchen is draining and unhealthy….filled with booze, bad food, cocaine, and dirty sex after hours.

Instead she’s got her tits out in Vogue…when she belongs in the Kitchen at your local INDIAN all you can eat buffet because she’s btter than most, she’s navigated her way to the top, and even has one child who was the bio child of a billionaire, but that she pretended was the bio child of another dying billionaire, so that the kid is heir to two billionaires…and bitch takes her 10 percent cut off the top for sure…

So when you’re rich and on TV, you can get your tits out in VOGUE and live out that childhood dream you had in your slum dog millionaire shanty….


Padma Lakshmi Tits Out for Vogue India of the Day May 6th, 2019