Chrissy Teigen Long as Fuck Tits of the Day

Seriously how long are Chrissy Teigen’s tits…..

Here she is nude and fat as a reference point…

I am guessing it’s the series of wallet fucking that got her knocked up at least once that has managed to create a serious FUCKING sag of a tit….it probably happens to all women who decide to breed because they need to lock the dude in for financial reasons, especially in Teigens case, since she locked dude in before he was seriously famous, knowing he would become famous, give bitch a job at a record label as a talent scout…her drunken ass will likely have sex with them in the process because they have one of those relationships where she can fuck other dudes…so long as John Legend can still have sex with Kanye like when they were boys back in Chicago discovering gay gangsta rap.

I generally boycott all Chrissy Teigen posts cuz she once turned her army of fans, something that I found amazing she had…but as it turns out the quirky drunk tweeter with a famous husband from Sports Illustrated was enough to go viral….on me…and it was annoying and I thought…why bother she’s basically some sex worker who doesn’t matter..

But long tits man…that shit’s weird and needs to be pointed out…whether bitch is overrated, annoying, a wallet fucking fat chick or not…cuz it’s some FETISH shit…weird fetish shit…but fetish never the less…


Chrissy Teigen Long as Fuck Tits of the Day May 21st, 2019