Megan Fox Pussy Slip of the Day

Megan Fox Pussy Slip is a huge fucking deal…maybe just a decade too late….

Back when she was the hottest thing in Hollywood, despite being overrated, not that hot, jacked up in the face…married to David from 90210, who unlike Luke Perry is not dead, but was basically dead when they first linked up, so he brainwashed her and kept her in a cage…..grounded her when she was at her hottest…than knocked her up a dozen times….to keep them linked together forever….THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN HUGE….

Not that it isn’t huge, at least the vagina is huge, but it’s not entirely her fault…when you have a dozen or so kids…the labia, even after being rebuilt…has a mind of its fucking own….and just fucking crawls out from every direction…

It’s kind of funny that we haven’t seen her cunt in all these years…but she decides to put it out there in an instagram selfie…casually…like her cunt isn’t in the pic…but I guess that’s the general way it works now, refuse to do nude scenes you’re paying for…but post nudes on social media for free….for the real fans…cuz you like how nice LIKES feel…you weathered bitch…


Megan Fox Pussy Slip of the Day May 23rd, 2019