Lady Gaga Slutty Shorts of the Day

I am still offended with the institution that is the Academy Awards for pandering to Lady Gaga and nominating her for what was probably one of the worst acting roles in the history of movies..where Lady Gaga played herself..which I guess is an act in and of itself, but she managed to make a career off the lie, pandering to the media and shaping herself and her fake persona….to help elevate her and fulfill that plan of being a huge pop act – despite being ugly.

It’s like let her ride her fame, we don’t need Lady Gaga the celebrated actor to give her more exposure, visibility…and more talking about her…and when things don’t work out for her at the level she wants, she can also just go back to walking around half naked, cuz like all pop stars these days, we’ve seen them naked…

I’ve actually grabbed this ass, unsolicited, through a security guard at a party when I was wasted before she was really famous – like a sexual predator I guess I am..and it was surprisingly nice….firm…in fishnets…so I feel like I’m an authority on Lady Gaga ass…now if only she remembered and did a little #metoo against me – as she should – so that I can get some damn press….


Lady Gaga Slutty Shorts of the Day May 28th, 2019