Bella Thorne Posts Nudes to Thwart Hacker of the Day

In news I didn’t care about when it was unfolding….

Bella Thorne’s iCloud was hacked, the hacker was threatening her with her nudes, that are really barely nudes, she cried about it to her fans and followers, and decided to be a strong, brave, defy all odds kind of girl, you know a hero who champions her own tits that she’s been showing off in various ways the last few years, after Disney and her Mom abused her by forcing her into this life, and to take ownership on her nudes…she posted them….

I am going to call FAKE…an excuse to show her actual tits, that I thought were fake tits, but that now that I see that big red Nipple, the kind some Ginger’s like Bella Thorne get while others like our Goddess Lohan luckily didn’t get…

The whole thing is pretty fucking gross, not really a fucking story, if anything very silly…but I guess I should post it up.

This is such an easy publicity stunt to pull, easy angle to play, and as if this girl gives a fuck about flashing some tit.

I am surprised she hasn’t had a shit covered dick pulled out of her on her IG Story…

This is weak and lame and the whole angle on it…about being a violated woman who won’t let another man take charge of her sexuality….boring, repetitive, a little too staged or contrived to matter…

I’m not against the nudes, even though some women look better clothed than nude…I am against the back story of empowering herself with her nudes. That shit is just dumb….when all you gotta do is post the shit, it’s not that far off the shit you already do….daily..

The whole cry rape, cry molested, cry being abused by toxic masculinaty and misogyny is so boring, but I guess the girls need to do this when they post nudes now, so they don’t look like attention seeking whores, even if they are….

The fact is, when you take a nude, that shit is already public domain cuz the dude you took it for is showing everyone.

NOT TO MENTION, I have female friends and they all show every dick pic they get to each other and everyone….many of the girls I know have shown me dick pics of their current boyfriends as an LOL…

We can all agree that this is just human nature, and this whole predator shit is exhausting and takes away from the simplicity of a nude…


I am sure she wasn’t even hacked and it was just tactic to post a nude and get talked about like a victim, as Bella THorne is such a troll you don’t even realize she’s a dude. She just trolls that hard..

Tactics…to get attention, to piss off exes, to be the exhibitionist narcissist she is…crying rape, to come out of this a survivor, not a victim, or a SLUT…but she’s still pretty slutty to me, I’ll just never look at her tits the same way again cuz of those weird saucer nips…

The one thing we can say is that Bella Throne’s got some of the worst nipples in town..maybe in the WORLD…



Bella Thorne Posts Nudes to Thwart Hacker of the Day June 17th, 2019